
…so you can shi­ne!

AKKU­RAT-aktiv is a com­pa­ny in the glass and buil­ding clea­ning sec­tor. The mas­ter craft­sman for buil­ding clea­ning, Eber­hard Plap­pert, foun­ded the com­pa­ny with the qua­li­fied busi­ness expert, Wal­ter J. Mei­er, in 1987 to sell their ser­vices to their cus­to­mers. In Janu­ary 2002 Eber­hard Plap­pert relin­quis­hed his busi­ness shares and left the com­pa­ny manage­ment team. He now acts in an advi­so­ry capa­ci­ty.

The sole part­ner and mana­ging direc­tor is the mas­ter craft­sman for buil­ding clea­ning, Wal­ter J. Mei­er. Over 300 qua­li­fied male and fema­le employees clean and care for your inven­to­ry using the most modern equip­ment and clea­ning agents in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001.

Con­ti­nuous fur­ther trai­ning for our staff is just as much an inte­gral part of our com­pa­ny phi­lo­so­phy as extre­me fle­xi­bi­li­ty and the capa­bi­li­ty to adapt to meet our cus­to­mers’ needs.

Learn more about us in our com­pa­ny bro­chu­re.

Pho­ne: +49 6022 – 20 87 90
Email: info@akkurat-aktiv.de

© AKKU­RAT-aktiv Gebäu­de­rei­ni­gung Dienst­leis­tungs GmbH